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Frequently Asked Questions
Q. How can I save or report my results?
A. You can save or report your results in several ways.
1. Click the "Report Totals" button near the bottom of the Practice Section and
type your name in the the box. Print a copy of the report by clicking the printer icon
at the top or using the File > Print menu at the top of the page.
2. Copy the contents of the results page by selecting Edit > Select All from the top
menu. Click the Open Email link near the bottom of the report to bring up a blank
email. Paste the copied results into the email. Fill in the email address
you wish to send the report to.
3. Copy the report results and open up a text file. Paste the report results into the
text file.
Q. Is this a math class?
A. No. A math class has many components such as a teacher, curriculum, books, learning
materials, tests, etc. These lessons attempt to be a resource that can be used in
a math class at a school or for homeschooling to supplement the other components.
Q. How can I contact you?
A. There is a link at the bottom of nearly all the pages that will bring up a
contact form. Please use this form if you have any concerns or problems with the
AAA Math CD.
Q. Nothing happens when I try and start the exercises.
A. Javascript must be enabled for the exercises to work.
On netscape use the EDIT > PREFERENCES > ADVANCED menu and check the Enable
Javascript box.
Q. Why don't you have printable worksheets?
A. One of the primary ways to learn math is repeated practice.
A worksheet will allow a student to repeatedly practice an incorrect method.
The repeated practice of the incorrect method will tend to teach the student
how to do the problem incorrectly. Therefore, the only type of practice available
on this CD gives immediate feedback. If a problem is done incorrectly, it is
pointed out immediately and the student can change to a correct method.
Q. Will you help me with a homework problem?
A. We do not have the resources available to serve as a homework help site.
Some sites that do this are listed on the homework help page.
Q. I am having trouble with math, will you help me?
A. We do not have the resources to do this. We keep very busy trying to improve the site.
Please tell your teacher, or your parents or a friend that you are having trouble
and need help. I am sure that you can get help from one of these sources.
Q. Can I make a link to the AAA Math site from the school's web page.
A. Yes, We encourage links to the AAA Math web site. Please see our
linking page for suggestions on
how to create links that won't get broken in the future.
Q. Why don't you have a page about _______?
A. We are continuing to expand the AAA Math site. Suggestions for new topics
are welcome and it helps us prioritize which topics to work on first.
Q. Where can I find information on _______?
A. There are many great online indexes and lists of great math resources. These
indexes can be roughly divided into two types. The first type tries to index every
math site and allows you to do searches. The authors of the second type examine
hundreds or thousands of sites and select what they consider to be the best. Find
one of each type that is easy for you to use or that points you to
the types of sites that you are looking for. There is a small list of excellent
websites on the Web Resources page.
Q. How do I get rid of the annoying active content banner in Internet Explorer?
Select the "Tools > Internet Options" Menu at the top of the Internet Explorer
Window. Click on the "Advanced" tab. Scroll down to the section titled "Security" and
check "Allow active content from CDs to run on my computer" and "Allow active content to run in
files on my computer". Click the "Apply" button. Click the "OK" button
Q. Why are the ____ grade lessons too easy (or too hard)?
A. There is a wide variation in curricula between different school systems.
Often there is a difference between classes in the same school. We try and achieve
a happy compromise among the variants. If the topics in a grade are consistently
too easy or too hard for you, move to a higher or lower grade level. If you have
questions about what you should be studying, talk with your teacher about what
would be appropriate for you.